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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tips for Video CVs

Watch the video and write down in your notebooks 5 tips for successful video resumes Torry Johnson mentions, keep them in mind before you begin to make your own video resumes.
click  this link:
First, you'll see some comercials - you can't skip it, just keep on watching!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Home Assignment: Job Interview

Watch the video and answer the following questions:
1.    Who is being interviewed?
2.    What is the first thing to do when you walk in for interview?
3.    If an interviewer asks you: ”why do you want to leave your job?”, what should you answer?
4.    How do you handle the phrase:”You’re overqualified”?
5.    How do you handle the phrase:”You just don’t have enough experience”?
6.    If the interviewer asks you:”How much money are you looking for”, what should you say?
7.    If the interviewer does not ask you about desired salary, should you ask about it?
8.    Should you ask about health care, flex time, vacation time during the 1st interview?

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Psychology of Music

For those students who did  not manage to finish their summary paragraphs in class, you can listen to track 5.2 to answer the question Why do we listen to music? and to track 5.3 to answer the question How does music affect our emotions.
It will help you to come up with the good paragraphs.